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Work and Study Malta

The Work and Study Malta program offers students the opportunity to work while studying language in Malta. The program provides students who want to improve their language skills with the opportunity to practice and gain experience. It also offers the opportunity to earn additional income by working to cover education and living expenses.

Work and Study Malta is a comprehensive program that provides students with the opportunity to work while studying language in Malta. This program offers students who want to improve their language skills the opportunity to practice and gain experience. It also provides the opportunity to earn additional income by working to cover education and living expenses.


While students typically study English at language schools in Malta, they can work in a variety of part-time jobs offered by local employers. These jobs are often found in tourism sectors such as restaurants, cafes, hotels and more. While students support their language education by practicing in daily life, they also have the chance to experience a different culture and discover the rich history of Malta.

The Work and Study Malta program gives students the chance to work in an international environment and develop their communication skills. It also offers students an unforgettable experience thanks to Malta's beautiful beaches, historical sites and vibrant culture. Program participants develop their ability to cope with the challenges of living and working abroad, while also having the chance to make new friends and build an international network. This program offers students the opportunity to grow and develop both personally and professionally, thus contributing to making them better equipped for their future careers.

Work & Study


Life Quality


Work Permit


Business Opportunities

  • Life Quality

    Language education in Malta appeals to a wide audience. University students and business professionals can improve themselves by studying language in Malta. Especially in the summer months, Malta offers a warm and fun holiday experience. Therefore, it is a suitable option for students who want to have an enjoyable holiday by combining it with language education. Language education programs provide an intensive program, providing the opportunity for both education and holiday. Malta's historical texture, natural beauties and cultural richness offer students the opportunity to have a different experience.

  • Work Permit

    Malta grants the legal right to work to students enrolled in foreign language education for 13 weeks or more. The country issues the work permit after completing 90 days of education. Students can extend the program from Malta.

  • Business Opportunities

    Within the scope of the Work and Study Malta program, students can find the opportunity to work in many different jobs, especially in the tourism sector. For example, waiter positions in restaurants, cashier or courier positions in markets, receptionist or housekeeper positions in hotels or hostels…

    Working hours should be appropriate to the students' language education program. Summer months are high season for many sectors, especially tourism. Students may find more job opportunities during the summer months.

Who Can Participate?

Are you looking for adventure, new people, and different cultures? Work & Study Malta is just for you!


Who Can Participate?

  • Students, recent graduates, and young professionals aged 18-30
  • Individuals eager to learn English and willing to work
  • People who are respectful of different cultures, open-minded, and adaptable


Why Should You Participate?

  • Improve your English language skills
  • Gain the opportunity to work in Malta
  • Explore different cultures and meet new people
  • Develop yourself and have an unforgettable experience


For more information and to apply, contact us!

Work & Study

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Clarification Text

Nunc enim nisl, sodales id bibendum eget, malesuada a odio. Morbi lobortis eleifend justo.Nunc enim nisl, sodales id bibendum eget, malesuada a odio. Morbi lobortis eleifend justo. Nunc enim nisl, sodales id bibendum eget, malesuada a odio. Morbi lobortis eleifend justo. Nunc enim nisl, sodales id bibendum eget, malesuada a odio. Morbi lobortis eleifend justo.