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distance learning

Distance Education Advantages

Distance education is a teaching method in which communication and interaction between those who plan and implement educational studies and the learners are provided from a certain center through specially prepared teaching units and various environments, in cases where it is not possible to carry out in-class activities due to the limitations in traditional learning-teaching methods.


Again, we can define Distance Education as follows; It is an institutional education activity that brings together students, teachers and teaching materials in different places through communication technologies. Distance education serves a wide range of students as well as being a lifelong necessity. It is an education-training model that enables people who cannot benefit from the traditional education system to develop their knowledge and skills.


The benefits of online distance education compared to traditional distance education are as follows:


  • Information is sent from the training center to the whole world,
  • Posting costs are eliminated. Information distribution is done over the Internet with zero printing and transportation costs,
  • All information is corrected and updated from a service,
  • Interaction between the teacher and the learner is provided through various teaching techniques such as text and graphic communication,
  • The Internet enables collaboration in writing,
  • Students give their feedback easily.
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Clarification Text

Nunc enim nisl, sodales id bibendum eget, malesuada a odio. Morbi lobortis eleifend justo.Nunc enim nisl, sodales id bibendum eget, malesuada a odio. Morbi lobortis eleifend justo. Nunc enim nisl, sodales id bibendum eget, malesuada a odio. Morbi lobortis eleifend justo. Nunc enim nisl, sodales id bibendum eget, malesuada a odio. Morbi lobortis eleifend justo.