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Privacy Policy

Yelken Eğitim is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We take the privacy of all our customers and site users seriously and take great care to protect your personal information.

Company Information

Address: Yenişehir Mahallesi Millet Caddesi Sümbül Sokak No: 8/1 A Blok Kat 5 Daire 508 Ekinci Rezidans Pendik / İstanbul - Türkiye

Phone: +90 312 970 00 34

E-mail: [email protected]

Confidentiality and General Principles

This policy governs any processing (including the collection, use, transfer, storage and deletion) of personally identifiable information (any information that can be used to identify a physical person and any other information associated with it) about natural persons using this website. This policy also applies to the processing of data actively and passively collected online from individuals anywhere in the world. Any questions regarding the processing of personal data may be directed to: [email protected]

Please read the following policy carefully to understand what information we may collect from you, how we may use it and your rights regarding our use.

- We will be guided by the following principles when processing data.

- We will only collect data for specific and specific purposes.

- We will not collect data beyond what is necessary to fulfill these purposes.

- We will not use the data for purposes other than those set out herein or for data collected without prior consent.

- We will not transfer data to third parties or cross-border persons except as provided herein or without prior authorization.

- We will endeavor to verify and/or update the data periodically and will accept requests for the amendment of personal data.

- We will apply high technical standards to secure the processing of data.

- Except as provided herein, we will not store data in identifiable form for longer than necessary to fulfill its purpose or as required by law.

IP Addresses and Cookies

From any point after you enter our website, we may collect information about your computer for user analysis, including your IP address, operating system and browser type. This is statistical data about users' browsing actions and patterns and this information does not identify any individual unless provided by a user with informed consent.

We may receive information about your general Internet usage by using a cookie file stored on your computer's hard disk. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer's hard disk. They help us improve our website and provide a better and personalized service. In summary, the cookies we use give us permission:

- Estimating our overall audience size and how they use our site

- To get to know you when you return to our site

- To store information about your preferences to allow us to customize our Site according to your personal interests

- To speed up your calls

We will also allow certain third parties to collect cookies when you use our website. In summary, cookies will enable us to:

- Track the first and last pages visited and the total number of visits to the website.

- Track how much time you spend on any page on our website.

- Track how you visit the website.

- Monitor how you enter the website, including keyword searches, search engine information or referrers.

- Monitor the resources you access.

How will we use your information?

We may use the information held about you in the following ways:

- To create a profile that will help us provide a more personalized service, suitable to fulfill your preferences.

- To ensure that the content on our site is presented in the most effective way for you and your computer.

- To send you our newsletters or to provide you with information, products or services that you have requested from us or that we think may be of interest to you, for which you have agreed to be contacted for such purposes.

- When you choose this, to allow you to participate in the interactive features of our service.

- To inform you about changes in our service.

Personal Information: While using this website or doing business with Yelken Eğitim, personal information (name, address, phone number, e-mail) may be provided by the user for communication purposes. You can contact us at any time to delete this information from our database.

Cookies: Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You can prevent cookies from being stored on your computer or device by setting your browser to not accept cookies. Some browsers provide a mode where cookies are always deleted after a visit. Full instructions for this can be found in your browser's manual. You can delete cookies stored on your computer or device at any time. If you choose not to accept cookies at all, you can still visit our website, but we cannot guarantee the best experience without cookies.


Clarification Text

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