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Italy Summer School Program

Summer Schools in Italy Offer Vacation and Education in One.


Italy is one of the most loved countries in the world with its warm climate, unique architectural structure, being one of the world's art centers, entertaining life and advanced cuisine. Spending the summer months in this country is a completely different privilege for students.


In summer schools, which are among the education programs that have recently attracted the attention of families who want to raise their children as world citizens, students both improve their language skills and are guided in line with their personal abilities. Students who have the chance to be with their peers from all over the world and get to know their cultures have the opportunity to develop themselves visionally at an early age.


Italy will enable students to enjoy the summer months in the best way with its entertaining social life, streets that host the world's leading architectural beauties, and art galleries that can be found on almost every street.If you requested airport pick-up during your school registration process, we organize your airport transfer through the school you will attend. Officials from the school will pick you up from the airport and take you to your accommodation.

Program and Country Selection

Program and Country Selection

In Italy, summer school programs can be attended in cities such as Rome, Florence and Milan. Lessons usually start in the morning and end at noon. During the time he spends in Italy, the student learns the basics of Italian from native Italian instructors.


The most important feature of summer schools is that they can take language education out of boring classrooms. Students have the opportunity to improve the Italian they learn interactively in classrooms in daily conversations with their classmates and native Italian speakers. In their free time from Italian lessons, students go on trips to Italy accompanied by their teachers, visit historical and touristic places, and enjoy nature in parks and gardens...


In summer schools in Italy, students can participate in sports and artistic activities in their free time from education and city trips. Instructors guide children according to their skills in activities designed for students with all kinds of interests. Activities are organized in many fields, from basketball to football, from theater to music, from archery to water sports, from fashion design to cooking, and students can participate in whatever they wish. In this way, the student not only learns Italian but also socializes by discovering his talents and skills.


Every school has a guidance staff that monitors the general condition of the students. Guidance teachers examine each student individually and pay close attention to them. In addition, there are social activity managers who will encourage students to participate in social activities and guide them according to their interests. In this way, the student does not feel lonely at school and has the opportunity to improve himself with the right guidance.

Social life

Social life

Italy is one of the most active countries in Europe in terms of social life. In Italy, which is the most popular country in the world in terms of culture, art, fashion, architecture, sports, cuisine and many more, there are many things you can do other than language education classes. Italy, which has many historical and natural beauties in many cities, especially in its capital Rome, is the second country that hosts the most tourists in Europe.


The most popular cities in Italy other than Rome include Milan, Naples, Palermo, Venice, Verona and Florence. It is possible to find traces of Italian culture in each of these cities. You can participate in local events to get to know Italy, a very colorful country, better. Some of these are those:


Festivals organized in the name of famous opera composers such as Puccini, Rossini and Verdi
Film Festival and Architecture Biennale in Venice
Fashion week and furniture fair in Milan
International Art Exhibitions
Marriage festival with the sea (Festa Della Sensa)
When Italy is mentioned, one of the first things that comes to mind is undoubtedly coffee, and mostly espresso. Italians are very fond of coffee, just like us. They start the day with a cup of coffee and croissants every morning. You can drink plenty of Italy's famous coffees. Italian people are very helpful and friendly. In Italy, it is difficult to find a shop open, especially after a certain hour.


The most popular dishes in Italy, which has a very rich cuisine, are pizza and pasta. You can find pizza and pasta almost everywhere you visit. But apart from these dishes, lasagna, risotto and tramisu are very popular desserts. You should try these flavors on a day when you dine out.



Students are under the protection of school officials from the moment they land at the airport, so that families can make their children feel safe. The student is picked up from the airport and placed in his/her accommodation. While younger students stay in school dormitories with supervisors, older students can choose homestay options as well as dormitories. Students staying with a homestay family have the opportunity to improve their language more quickly by communicating with families whose native language is Italian.

Visa Process

Visa Process

Students who want to attend summer school in Italy must obtain a Schengen Area education visa.



If you requested airport pick-up during your school registration process, we organize your airport transfer through the school you will attend. Officials from the school will pick you up from the airport and take you to your accommodation.

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