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Search results for "Distance Education"

History of Distance Education

Although an exact start date cannot be determined, the use of distance education applications in a professional structure can be seen in the 19th century. If we examine it item by item, it is possible to list the historical development of distance education applications as follows; 1728: The first distance education study started with "Steno Lessons" in the Boston newspaper. 1833: "Letter Comp...

Why Distance Education?

GLOBALIZATION Institutions that provide distance education services are generally qualified to provide education at a global level. Educational institutions that have been carrying out such activities in Europe (especially England and France) for more than 100 years regularly provide distance education services to citizens working in overseas countries or working in trade. PERSONALIZATION ...

Distance Education Advantages

Distance education is a teaching method in which communication and interaction between those who plan and implement educational studies and the learners are provided from a certain center through specially prepared teaching units and various environments, in cases where it is not possible to carry out in-class activities due to the limitations in traditional learning-teaching methods.   Aga...

Distance Education Methods

What is Distance Education?

Student Counseling Services

Our university is a higher education institution that provides distance online education. Our university's online education consultants are constantly working to guide you on any issue. Enrollment Advisor Your registration advisor will be with you throughout your entire admissions process regarding programs, tuition fees, and will assist you with anything you need before you start your c...

Advantages of Online Education in University Education

With the development of technology, there are radical changes in education. One of these changes is the increasing popularity of online education. Online programs and courses are increasingly preferred in university education. So, what are the advantages of distance education in terms of university education? Flexibility: Online education offers much more flexibility than traditional education m...


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Nunc enim nisl, sodales id bibendum eget, malesuada a odio. Morbi lobortis eleifend justo.Nunc enim nisl, sodales id bibendum eget, malesuada a odio. Morbi lobortis eleifend justo. Nunc enim nisl, sodales id bibendum eget, malesuada a odio. Morbi lobortis eleifend justo. Nunc enim nisl, sodales id bibendum eget, malesuada a odio. Morbi lobortis eleifend justo.